A spell is a series of words that has magical powers. If you’re under a spell, then what you do is out of your control — your thoughts and actions are dictated by the spell.

Spell can refer to the magic words you say, or it can describe being under the influence of those words. You probably don’t encounter many magic spells in real life, but the word is often used figuratively to describe those times when you feel like a magical power controls your action.

Their are so many different types of casting spells like using of Black Magic, White Magic or Moon Magic. 

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Types of Spells

Love Spells
Attraction Spells ► Commitment Spells ► Crush Spells ► Enchanting Spells ► Erotic Spells ► Friendship Spells ► Jealousy Spells ► Marriage Spells ► Obsession Spells ► Phone Spells ► Relationship Spells ► Sexual Spells ► Trust Spells ► Truth Spells ►

Health Spells
Cure Spells ► Death Spells ► Diet Spells ► Healing Spells ► Health Spells ► Hurt Spells ► Immortality Spells ► Resurrection Spells ► Strength Spells ►

Spiritual Spells
Banishing Spells ► Binding Spells ► Conjuring Spells ► Contact Spells ► Defense Spells ► Dream Spells ► Enchantment Spells ► Energy Spells ► Force Spells ► Nightmare Spells ► Peace Spells ► Power Spells ► Protection Spells ► Summon Spells ► Warding Off Spells ►

Trick Spells
Flying Spells ► Illusion Spells ► Invisibility Spells ► Levitating Spells ► Mindreading Spells ► Telekinetic Spells ► Teleportation Spells ► Time Spells ►

Wealth Spells
Career Spells ► Fortune Spells ► Job Spells ► Money Spells ► Success Spells ►

Beauty Spells
Attractive Spells ► Body Spells ► Diet Spells ► Glamour Spells ► Hair Spells ► Strength Spells ►
Luck Spells
Bad Luck Spells ► Good Luck Spells ► Misfortune Spells ► Wish Spells ►

Life Spells
Baby Spells ► Career Spells ► Confidence Spells ► Fertility Spells ► Forgetful Spells ► Fortune Spells ► Growing Spells ► Job Spells ► Memory Spells ► Money Spells ► Revenge Spells ► Success Spells ► Truth Spells ► Wish Spells ►

Weather Spells
Fire Spells ► Rain Storm Spells ► Snow Storm Spells ► Sun Spells ► Wind Spells ►

Fantasy Spells
Dragon Spells ► Fairy Spells ► Mermaid Spells ► Vampire Spells ► Were-Wolf Spells ►

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